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Overcoming Negativity

positivityA lot of people struggle in the face of negativity when they strike out to pursue their dreams.  The thought of someone rejecting the message you are so passionate about and have worked so hard for, or even worse, criticizing or belittling your efforts, is enough to keep most dreams safely tucked away inside our hearts where they can’t be smashed to smithereens. But protected dreams are unfulfilled, and you were created with such great potential that it’s a tragedy worthy of Shakespeare to let them go unlived. So how do you work on overcoming negativity?

Have faith in your message

What to do about the Negative Nellies out there who try to trash your good works and take you down?   Before you let ANY negative talk affect you, remember that your message, no matter how great or small, isn’t intended to reach everyone in the world.  If someone who wasn’t meant to receive your message doesn’t get it or doesn’t appreciate it, what does it matter?  Some people find Oprah frivolous and silly, but she touches millions of lives every day.  Ask the children in her African school if they give 2 poops what you think of “O” magazine.  Ask anyone who was touched by a message or a generosity or a kindness if they care what you happen think of the message or its packaging.

Negativity means NOTHING.

Negativity is an energy that the brave and passionate allow to pass right through them.  The music within you was meant to be played, and certain people in this world, whether they know it or not, are on your frequency and waiting to hear those glorious melodies played so they can dance.  Don’t die with your music still in you, and don’t die knowing there were people you were supposed to help through the dance.  Whatever your gift is, whatever fears you have about people not accepting it, remember the ones who are supposed to receive it are already waiting for you.  Get out there and let your music out!




Photo credit: tmcdaily / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

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