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Paleo Crispy Baked Prosciutto Chips with Garlic and Shallot Spread AND Crispy Roasted Brussels Sprouts

Paleo roasted brussels sprouts

Seconds, anyone?

In honor of Thanksgiving, I’m offering up a “twofer” this week on recipes!  It’s time to start thinking about nourishing and tasty foods to put on the table, and these are two of my absolute favorites!

I often serve baked prosciutto chips as an appetizer.  They’re fun and different, and a great source of protein to help fuel and repair our bodies while giving us a great source of satiety.  Garlic and onion spread adds a fantastic punch of flavor (and also goes great spread on everything from steaks to chicken, and mixes well into a thick savory dressing) and the amazing healing powers of garlic will help stomp out any germs hoping to get a hold on you over the holidays.  It’s also anti-inflammatory and a potent cancer fighter.  Not to mention it’s just damn tasty!   *Prosciutto chips are also AMAZING when served with guacamole so keep that in mind for your superbowl party planning! 

Brussels sprouts are a power house of nutrients that have gotten a bad wrap as the tiny bitter cabbage kids all avoid.  When I bake these suckers up crispy, I NEVER have leftovers (which is almost a damn shame, because I love them so much I wouldn’t mind having a few to snack on the next day).  They are high in Vitamin C, Manganese and folate.  This makes them very nourishing for many health conditions:

  • Diabetes: manganese improves blood sugar regulation (especially important during that big Thanksgiving meal with all the sugary temptations you’ll be facing!)
  •  Immune system support: Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant and necessary for the regulation of the immune system, especially during active infections.  This makes is a GREAT medicinal food to keep in the rotation during cold and flu season!
  •  Liver Detoxification: The sulfuric compounds are incredibly supportive of the body’s detox processes.
  • Supportive in pregnancy: Brussels sprouts are a great source of natural, bioavailable folate, responsible for the production of new DNA in all new cells of a growing fetus.  It promotes neural tube formation, healthy birth weight, as well as face and heart development.
  • Cancer/thyroid: Not only are brussels sprouts high in cancer-fighting phytonutrients (as are all cruciferous vegetables), they may be one of the few crucifers that do not significantly aggravate an existing thyroid condition and may be more tolerated by those with thyroid issues.[1]

Just be sure not to overcook them as that’s when the sulfur compounds really jump on the palate, causing the bitter taste and unpleasant smell so many of us grew up with!

Crispy Baked Prosciutto Chips

crispy prosciutto chips and garlic dip

Paleo prosciutto chips and garlic dip


  • 2-3 packages of sliced prosciutto (estimate at least 5 slices per person being served)
  • Fresh cracked pepper and powdered garlic to taste


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  • Line baking sheet with parchment paper.
  • Place prosciutto slices on baking sheet.  Be sure not to crowd them.  You may need several baking sheets or might need to make these in batches to ensure they all have their own space to dry.
  • Lightly sprinkle with garlic and pepper.
  • Bake in oven ~15 minutes (watch closely to make sure they don’t burn).
  • When done, place on a wire cooling rack for a few minutes to let them finish crisping up.  Plate ‘em, serve ‘em and enjoy!

Garlic and Shallot Spread


  • 1 full head of garlic
  • 3-4 fresh sweet shallots
  • 1 TB melted grass-fed butter/ghee*
  • 1 TB olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  • Leave garlic head intact but remove as much outer papery “skin” as possible.
  • Roughly chop shallots.
  • Place garlic head and shallots in baking dish and drizzle with butter, salt and pepper.
  • Bake for 45 minutes, then allow to slightly cool before handling.
  • Squeeze out roasted garlic and place into food processor with shallots and olive oil.  Blend until smooth.

*Not sure what ghee is?  See HERE  for more information.

Crispy baked brussels sprouts 


  • 1 lb brussels sprouts
  • 2 TB melted grass-fed butter/ghee*
  • Salt, pepper, and granulated garlic to taste


  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  • Cut the stalk nub off of the brussels sprouts and cut the sprouts in half, discarding outer leaves.
  • Place sprouts in a bowl and toss to coat with butter, salt, pepper and garlic.
  • Bake for roughly 45 minutes (stir about halfway through to ensure they brown evenly) or until outer leaves become crispy and brown.  Plate and serve while hot.

What’s your favorite Thanksgiving appetizer?  What’s your secret to serving up tasty brussels sprouts? Let us know and spread the love!

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