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An Attitude of Gratitude-Part 3

trees as sun does down

Even the tallest tree started as a tiny seed

The idea of future gratitude, or focusing on the things you wish to make manifest, can be seen as a bit “woo-woo” to some people.  It’s important that we accept our lives as they are and not project ourselves into an imagined future that keeps us from living fully in the present.  However, the act of practicing affirmations, of envisioning the things we want to learn, achieve and experience, is a powerful mental exercise that can help to align your present actions with your best intentions.  Say what now???  Let me say that another way….Thinking about the life you want in the future helps you align your actions in the present in a way that makes it more likely that you will actually create that life you imagine.  Thought breeds action, practice builds habit, and habits build lives.  By visiting with your positive thoughts every day, both your current gratitude list and your future affirmations, you move yourself into position for your best life possible. 

So how do you build a practice of affirmation?  Always remember that the universe conspires to help you.  Whether your hopes and dreams will be a direct path or a winding river is not always up to us, but remember that we’re building the experiences we need to get there, and help people along the way.  When you practice your affirmations, be SPECIFIC.  One great way to start is to get out a piece of paper and start writing down exactly what you see in your future, EVERYTHING.  Remember, this is about you designing your best life, not about what you’re currently dealing with.  Are you married?  Do you have kids?  Are you in touch with your parents and siblings?  Do you have a lot of friends? What are your relationships like with these people?  What kind of job do you do and what satisfaction do you get from it?  Where do you live?  What is your house like?  What are your surroundings?  What kind of community do you live in?  What kind of car do you drive?  How do you FEEL?  Are you strong and healthy in your vision?  What addictions, physical and mental pain have you overcome? What great attributes do you embody?  Are you brave, generous, patient, empowering, compassionate?  What does the end of your life look like?  How do you leave this world?  What imprint do you leave on the next generation and the world you leave behind?  Does your spirit ascend or re-enter universal consciousness or become a part of the earth?  Where do you find peace?

Once you create your affirmations, read them out loud to yourself every morning after you practice your gratitude list.  Each day when you read them, envision yourself fully living that life, and then ask yourself as you go through the day what would THAT person do in this situation?  If you desire to have a marriage with great communication and vulnerability, how can you be open and vulnerable today?  If you desire to be a great friend with many supportive friendships, ask yourself how you can be supportive and connected to day.  Once you bring those intentions into the present, you will find yourself becoming that very best version of yourself, and your gratitude list will continue to grow and grow!

What are your best intentions?  What do you see in the very best version of you?  Please share and help us spread the love!

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